World War II – P2 1936- BBC King Edward VIII Abdication Of The Monarchy 1936- FDR Fiftieth Anniversary Of Statue Of Liberty 1936- Joseph Gobbels Before Foreign Press 1936- Radio Report Olympic Fire Handed Over 1936- Reports End Of Ethiopian War 1936- Rudolf Hess On Olympic Games And The German 1936- The Loaded Pause 1937- Hindenberg Disaster Herb Morrison 1937- March of Time 1938- BBC Reports Resignation of Austrian Chancellor Ku 1938- Gova Harry Moore Speaks During National Defense 1938- March of Time 1938- NBCB March of Time 1938- Raymond Graham Swing on Russia and Germany 1938- Raymond Graham Swing on World Events 1938- Rrg Joseph Gobbels Proklamation Hitlers Zumans 1938- Russia and Germany R Graham 1938- Russia and Germany R 1945- Atlee Surrender Of Japan 1945- Bbc Crowds Celebrate Vj Day 1945- Bbc King George Vi To The Empire 1945- Commentary On End of the War 1945- News Death of FDR CBS ABC 01 1945- News Death of FDR CBS ABC 02 1945- News Death of FDR CBS ABC 03 [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]